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Monday, March 8, 2010



I am joining in on Friend Making Monday and this weeks questions are this:

This week, let's talk about the 82nd Academy Awards. Did you watch?? What are your thoughts? Best dressed? Worst? Any other thoughts?

I did not watch, I do not watch and I find it rather boring... Sorry it's not like my reality drama shows, that I am addicted to...

I did like reading her responses though and I am a huge fan of Sandra Bullock... seriously LOVE everything she does! Did you guys see two weeks notice, one of the funniest shows ever! And it makes me cry so it's a double whammy!

Ok, so since I can't really participate I will make up my own question:

Do you like Cinnamon candy? If so hard candies or chewy or what type of cinnamon candy.

I ask this because I recently discovered that cinnamon candy is gross... with the exception of cinnamon bears (which I love, OH and don't forget you can dunk them in chocolate!) but hubs likes red hot cinnamon jolly ranchers and yuck! they are nasty gross and he has cinnamon breath all day and that's gross too...

I know it's random but I need a little random right now to unstress.

So go link up and get your Academy awards gossip on!

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1. Kenlie said...

I'm not a big fan of cinnamon candy, no....haha I love the question though..:)

2. Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Funny... nope, I don't like cinnamon candy. :)

3. Angela Tolsma said...

well, depends on the cinnamon. I love cinnamon hearts that you get at Valentines day, but I dislike anything else Go figure. I didn't watch the awards either. But I read a couple posts enough to know I loved Sandra Bullock's hair, dress, and makeup!

4. Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Cinn Bears in Chocolate..never tried it but sounds great! I love Hot Tamales, my fav cinn candy..yummm Happy FMM :)