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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dead or Alive

So sorry but it's venting time. I am a little freaked out... (that's where you step in)

A few months back our sonic went out of business...

sad day in the neighborhood no happy hour for me :(

Then our little town ice cream parlor went down...

Bummer again...

Then Albertsons shut down - the store I did all my coupon grocery shopping at..

so now I'm at a lose and spending too much on groceries!

THEN last night I ran to the store to get some felt... little ol' lonely felt to finish some hair clips for my bow business that I started because we needed some more money considering that construction business is slowing down and hubs was cut to part time... and you know what


I feel like we are going to be in a depression soon :( serioiusly that or i'm just plain depressed

WAH WAH WAH.............

Can anyone make me feel better?

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1. *Katy* said...

I know how you feel! We've had at least 6 businesses close on our main street in the past few months...funny thing is, Lowes came in and bought 3 of the buildings, tore them down and built a HUGE one instead. I like Lowes...but I'd rather have my other stores back :(

2. Brandy said...

Well you made me happy today. My bows are AWESOME! And I cannot wait to get them on some little girls and take pics. LOL!

That sucks about your town. I swear every day it's something bad happening around here too. Mainly school closing and cutbacks due to budget restraints. Sad, sad stuff.

3. chunkymonkeytoes said...

We've had a bunch of stores close too, like both of our Dairy Queens, and a few craft stores I loved, and tons of other stores. We keep getting new restaurants lately and we got a Costco, so I guess that's good. But I want my craft stores back!!

4. chunkymonkeytoes said...

We've had a bunch of stores close too, like both of our Dairy Queens, and a few craft stores I loved, and tons of other stores. We keep getting new restaurants lately and we got a Costco, so I guess that's good. But I want my craft stores back!!