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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Review, Recipe and Giveaway from Saucey Mama

Lime Chipotle Chicken Saucey Mama Style


4 Chicken breasts sliced into strips
1 1/2 C Saucey Mama Lime Chipotle Marinade
3TBS Lime Juice
Sprig of Cilantro
Red Bell Pepper-


Marinate the chicken in the mixed sauce, grill on med. low heat until chicken is throughly cooked through
, Photobucket
Add the Bell Pepper slices and turn up the heat to medium high to help the sauce reduce and intensify. While Sauce is finishing prep your toppings


Topping options:
Sliced green onions
Diced Tomatoes
Sliced Avacado
Sour Creme
Shredded Cheese
Black or Pinto beans (or refried if you like)

Easy Mexican Rice


1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1 cup of long grain rice
2 1/2 cups cold water
2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. garlic salt or 1 tsp. garlic powder
3/4 cup of tomato sauce
pinch of Cumin
1/8 C of chopped Red Bell Pepper

In a skillet heat oil over medium heat, add Bell pepper until it becomes traslucent, Add rice and cook until lightly browned. Mix in water and remaining ingredients, bring to a boil.

Cover and simmer until rice is tender.

Perfect for a party since you only have one or two things to cook and then each person can top as they wish. :) A Burrito bar!!!

***to see what we rated it, go on over to Blah to Ta-daa***

Saucey Mama has given me a whole second set of sauces to giveaway to a lucky reader!!!

Go visit Blah to Ta-daa and come back and comment telling me what Rating I gave this recipe.

**you must complete the above MANDATORY, or if chosen as the winner you will forfeit your prize

For extra entries do any or all of the following: and leave a separate comment for each

  • Post my button on your blog and leave a link to where I can go verify it.
  • Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link (gets 2 extra entries)
  • IF you blog about this giveaway and link to me AND another one of my co-authors (from Blah to Ta-daa's Giveaway for Saucey Mama you can have 2 more entries!)
  • ENTER Mellisa, Beth, Teresa, Sara's Saucey Mama giveaways on their blog (links found on Blah to Ta-daa) Each contest you enter gets you an extra entry!

Little print: this giveaway is open to US residents only and will end September 15th. Winner will be chosen by Random.org the winner will be contacted via email and will have 24hrs to claim their prize before a new winner will be drawn.

Disclaimer: I received a 6 pack of Saucey Mama's sauces in exchange for a recipe and blog post. The opinion stated is that of my own, and no other compansation was exchanged.

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1. Craving Savings said...

You said overall 4, but more like 4.5 and the rice alone was a 5! I'm always looking for an easy Mexican rice recipe so thanks for sharing!

{Pssst...btw you have the answer on this blog, although I did to go to Blah to Ta-Daa}

2. eclairre said...

You rated it a 4 spoon!

3. Hollowsins said...

You rated the whole dish as a 4 spoon,the rice as a 5

4. Hollowsins said...

I have your button

5. Paulette said...

You gave it a 4.5 rating! I would love to win!

mullinsp3 at gmail dot com

6. Brandy said...

I tweeted yesterday!

7. The Kelsch Family said...

Overall you gave it a 4 but you think it's a 4.5 :)

8. The Kelsch Family said...

I have your button on my blogs (personal & business)
thekelschfamily@blogspot.com & KMKDesigns1@blogspot.com

9. The Kelsch Family said...

I entered Beth's giveaway


10. tamiv said...

You rated this recipe a 4spoon or a 4.5! Thanks

11. moushka said...

4 spoon, 4.5 and the rice as a 5 spoon.

12. Amber said...

You gave it a 4!

amberlowmiddleton at gmail dot com

13. Julie said...

You as a group rated the whole dish as 4 spoons. You rated as 4.5 spoons
the rice alone was worth 5 spoons.
thanks for the giveaway

14. Julie said...

I entered Mellisa's contest

15. Julie said...

I entered Beth's contest

16. Julie said...

I entered Sara's contest


17. Brenda Campbell Hansen said...

Brandy, looks like a great giveawy! I'm excited to try it, especially the rice! I've been looking for a good, easy spanish rice recipe FOREVER!!! you rated it over all a 4.5, and a 5spoon on the rice!

18. Brenda Campbell Hansen said...

and I have your button on my blog: grocerygirls.blogspot.com

19. The Armstrong Family said...

You gave it a 4.5

20. The Armstrong Family said...

your button is on my blog

21. The Armstrong Family said...

tweeted https://twitter.com/britters_

22. The Loden's said...

4.5 for the rating, 5 was a for the rice

23. The Loden's said...

You know I follow you!! STALKER

24. The Loden's said...

I also have your button on my blog!

25. The Kelsch Family said...

I follow you on twitter

26. The Kelsch Family said...

I retweeted your giveaway

27. jakiesmom said...

the whole dish got a 4, the rice a 5
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net

28. jakiesmom said...

entered melissas giveaway

29. Tylerpants said...

You gave this recipe this rating: We rated the whole dish as a 4spoon I am thinking 4.5. The Rice alone was a 5 Spoon. tylerpants(at)gmail.com