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Monday, June 14, 2010

bzz agent kid: covergirls update

So I am loving them both, check it out!

Tell me have you tried yours yet? have I got you interested in using them? SHARE!!!

Who wants a sample, or a coupon?

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Brandy said...

I still really like mine & on days when I wear make up that's what I have been wearing. It does gather in the crease but that's true of any creme shadow so I just smooth it out and keep going. No big deal.

Emma said...

The eye-liner looks awesome. I wonder if it's available in Canada yet or have to go to platsburg, NY to check it out next time.

Unknown said...

Glad that you have figured it out - it really did look awesome on you. I tried and tried with all the tips from smoothing with you finger to using powder first - but I just never could achieve a look that I liked and always ended up using powder shadow to dry it out.

So cute to include your little one in the vlog! :) Have a great week!