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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good news/ Bad News

Brandy @ NYASM played good news bad news and I wanted to join her...

Good news:



I got these from Sew Fantastic in the mail yesterday!!!

Bad News:


Now I want this one.....

Good news:


I am selling lots of these (not this one just bows in general)

Bad News:

**picture a tornado, I am having camera issues**

My craft desk looks like this.....

Good news:


I make these on Blah to ta-daa today (I LOVE PB)

Bad news:


Piglet doesn't get along with PB so I only got to eat 1.

Good news:


This was on last night.....

Bad news:


I have to wait until hubs gets home to watch it with him... TOMORROW

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1. Brandy said...

I love PB too so I'm going to pop over & see your recipe. That pic of Piglet is too much!

And I love this concept of good/bad so I might do it every week. A new take on my randomness.

2. Unknown said...

This was a fun post to read!! Hope you get to 500 quickly!